Cloud Hosting
Swiss Premium

Discover our hosting offer: high performance guaranteed by the Artera Stack and physical and digital security of Swiss Data Centres.


Our Cloud Hosting Managed plan

Artera revolutionizes premium shared cloud hosting: isolated accounts on Cloud Linux, maximum protection with Immunify 360 and WAF, and exclusive features via WHM cPanel plugins by Artera. Thanks to LiteSpeed, we offer superior performance. With fewer accounts per server, we ensure dedicated resources and immediate scalability for every business need.

Our hosting facilities, strategically located in Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia, and Bulgaria, offer geographic versatility to best meet your needs.

To ensure maximum data protection, we have backup sites in various locations, including Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia, and Bulgaria, for tailored and reliable data security.

Our cloud infrastructure, characterized by high availability and full redundancy, exclusively offers elite solutions, ensuring unprecedented reliability.

We operate interconnected data centers of our own, secured by the most stable and fastest Tier 1 networks, to provide unparalleled connectivity.

We implement advanced DDoS protection as a standard, raising the security level for all our clients.

Our operations are validated by the most stringent quality and security certifications, including PCI standards and GDPR and LPD regulations, to ensure privacy and data protection.

As a sustainability-oriented provider, Artera adopts eco-friendly practices, confirming our commitment to the environment.

Our philosophy places trust and partner satisfaction at the forefront, committing to maintaining the highest standards and building long-term relationships based on mutual success.

Piani compatibili con

Exclusive Partner Program

Rely on us
as a partner for your business.

Artera collaborates with web companies, software houses, freelancers, and web development agencies, building synergies to achieve common goals, offering hosting solutions without conflicts of interest, and creating job opportunities for partners.

Services guaranteed on all our plans.
Total transparency in operations
Flexibility in offers
Support and mutual Growth
Continuous Product Updates

Artera Professional Email Service

Designed to provide businesses with a secure, reliable, and highly customizable communication solution. Our service is ideal for organizations of all sizes seeking a cutting-edge email management system, independent of their web hosting.

We utilize Exim, one of the most powerful and flexible email transfer software available. This allows us to offer highly customizable configuration that adapts to the specific needs of your business.

Our service includes a robust and flexible anti-spam system designed to effectively filter out unwanted messages, ensuring your mailbox is protected from threats and distractions.

With Artera, you can create an unlimited number of email accounts for your team, ensuring everyone has access to the communication resources they need, without limitations or additional costs.

Keep your team organized with advanced features for contact and calendar management. Easily synchronize your appointments and address books for seamless collaboration.

Access your email from any browser, thanks to our intuitive and user-friendly webmail solution. Whether you’re in the office or on the go, your email is always at your fingertips.

Our email service operates independently from your web hosting package, allowing you to manage your email communication securely and efficiently.

Security is our top priority. We implement advanced security protocols to protect your email communication from unauthorized access and cyber threats, ensuring your sensitive data remains private and secure.


User-Friendly Panel

The Artera Stack utilizes Apache as the web server, fully integrated into WHM/cPanel. This allows for easy management through a web control panel, even for your less tech-savvy clients.

CPanel è una delle piattaforme di gestione più usate e apprezzate online, grazie alla sua interfaccia affidabile e intuitiva e le sue funzionalità personalizzabili che permettono una gestione automatizzata così che tu possa concentrarti sulla tua attività.

Cloud Linux
Il sistema operativo per la multi-tenancy del server condiviso. Isolando ogni cliente in un ambiente separato, è possibile partizionare, allocare e limitare le risorse del server come memoria, CPU e connessioni in base alle esigenze del singolo utente.

Live patching automatizzato dei kernel Linux, il quale offre una gestione centralizzata e l’integrazione di comuni strumenti di automazione e gestione delle vulnerabilità. Il tutto applicando le patch delle librerie condivise senza alcuna interruzione di servizio.

Il WAF permette di controllare il traffico HTTP in arrivo e in partenza da un servizio web. Così facendo è possibile prevenire attacchi che sfruttano vulnerabilità di determinate applicazioni, come le SQL Injection o il Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Ruleset: Comodo e Artera

Washing machine
La protezione ideale contro gli attacchi DDoS, tramite la mitigazione dei punti di accesso utilizzati da questi attacchi, i quali sono soliti sfruttare i limiti specifici di una data risorsa di rete, come l’infrastruttura su cui è basato il sito web di un’azienda.

Imunify & cxs
Rileva file dannosi grazie alle tecniche avanzate di de-obfuscazione dei file, permettendo una pulizia automatica nel 99,9% dei casi. Individua backdoor, web-shell, virus, strumenti di hacking, pagine di phishing e molto altro.

Server libero sviluppato dalla Apache Software Foundation, è la piattaforma server Web Modulare più diffusa al momento. Proprio grazie alla sua fama, Apache è più semplice da utilizzare e configurare grazie alla documentazione online e da personalizzare grazie alla modulazione.

PHP (dalla 5.4 alla 8.1)  PHP è un linguaggio di scripting interpretato, originariamente concepito per la programmazione di pagine web dinamiche. L’interprete PHP è un software libero distribuito sotto la PHP License.

Node Node.js è un runtime system open source multipiattaforma orientato agli eventi per l’esecuzione di codice JavaScript, costruito sul motore JavaScript V8 di Google Chrome.

Ruby Ruby è un linguaggio di programmazione interpretato open source a oggetti. Il successo di Framework come Ruby on Rails gli ha permesso di rientrare tra i primi 10 linguaggi maggiormente popolari e utilizzati.

Python Python è un noto linguaggio di programmazione orientato a oggetti e adatto, tra gli altri usi, a sviluppare applicazioni distribuite, scripting, computazione numerica e system testing.

MySQL (Percona Server)
Percona Distribution for MySQL fornisce migliori prestazioni e concorrenza anche per i carichi di lavoro più esigenti. In particolare agli utenti del server MySQL con prestazioni ottimizzate, maggiore scalabilità e disponibilità delle prestazioni, backup migliorati e maggiore visibilità

R1 Soft
A differenza dei backup tradizionali, dopo la replica iniziale, Server Backup Manager monitora continuamente le modifiche ai tuoi dati e salva solo i bit di informazioni che sono cambiati, mantenendo quelle risorse critiche libere per servire le esigenze dei tuoi clienti.

Exim è un mail transfer agent (MTA) usato su sistemi operativi Unix-like. Distribuito secondo i termini della GNU General Public License, il 60% dei server di posta pubblicamente raggiungibili su Internet eseguono Exim, rendendolo il server di posta più popolare grazie alla sua flessibilità con ampie strutture.

Dovecot (con filtri sieve)
Dovecot è un Mail Delivery Agent open source per sistemi Linux e Unix-like, progettato per garantire la sicurezza di un E-mail Server. Con oltre 3 milioni di mailserver e del 68% dei server IMAP a livello globale, Sieve rappresenta un vero e proprio linguaggio di programmazione dedicato al mail filtering.

Mail Scanner
MailScanner è un sistema di sicurezza e-mail open source molto rispettato, progettato per gateway e-mail basati su Linux. MailScanner scansiona le e-mail alla ricerca di virus, spam (tramite Spamassassin), phishing, malware e altri attacchi contro le vulnerabilità di sicurezza e gioca un ruolo fondamentale nella sicurezza di una rete. Ruleset: standard e Artera

Fondato nel 1998 da Steve Linford per tracciare gli spammer di posta elettronica e le attività legate allo spam, il progetto Spamhaus è responsabile della compilazione di diverse liste anti-spam ampiamente utilizzate creando Blacklist basate su DNS (DNSBLs) e Whitelists (DNSWLs).

AutoSSL è un’alternativa gratuita ai certificati SSL a pagamento. Con AutoSSL, i tuoi siti sono automaticamente protetti con un certificato SSL gratuito. Il tuo certificato SSL rimane aggiornato e si rinnova automaticamente per tuo conto.


The best website is secure, fast, and always online.

All of this can only be achieved with dedicated features.
Security Management (Immunify, WAF)

Our Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) will protect your websites by automatically filtering HTTP traffic to prevent attacks such as XSS or SQL Injection.

Automatic Traffic Upgrade

A sudden spike in traffic can overwhelm many portals, but not ours: automatic web traffic upgrades will allow you to manage peak usage periods of your site. Activate it on all our premium managed hosting packages.

MySQL Slow Query

MySQL Slow Query is the cPanel module, developed by Artera technicians, that will allow you to analyze and improve your site's performance.


All Inclusive assistance

We will take care of everything, acting in advance on possible problems.

Because it is important to start on the right foot.

  • – Website migration
  • – Initial email migration
  • – Test environment setup
  • – CMS pre-installation

Security and customization of your website

  • – PHP version change
  • – Backup restoration
  • – .htaccess configuration
  • – Bot blocking
Do it for me

Leave the management side to us.

  • – Email box management
  • – Email clients configuration
  • – DNS zone management
  • – FTP user management
Application level

Speed, security, and features:
all covered

  • – Slow site check
  • – “Hacked” site check
  • – HTTPS activation
  • – 301 redirect management
Proactive 24/7 Support
Thanks to a sophisticated monitoring system, we can proactively address any potential issue within 5 minutes.
In 99% of cases, there is no need for the partner to open a support ticket.
You can still receive direct support from system administrators via chat, email, or phone.
Our expert system administrators work tirelessly 24/7, 365 days a year.

Are you a developer?

If you know exactly what you are looking for in a top-notch hosting service, you won't be disappointed with the technical specifications offered to our users.

Our technical staff will assist you in setting up a testing environment for your project, at no additional cost or limits.

Update files while keeping previous versions intact thanks to the pre-installed version control software.

SSH access is included and free. Artera provides various authentication types, including password-based and key-based authentication.

Take advantage of Python’s high readability and code maintenance, allowing you to set up all hosting plans quickly and with just a few clicks.

Ensure your site always enjoys the best performance, thanks to cPanel’s analysis and optimization system developed by Artera technicians.

The new HTTP protocol that allows for greater speed and better performance is now applied to all Artera hosting plans.


Complete your project with powerful add-ons.

Internet domain registration

The domain is the business card for your portal, which is why we offer you the freedom to choose from 200 available extensions. The service includes private registration and autonomous management of DNS zones to ensure maximum reliability and accessibility of the site.

Internet domain management add-on.
Whether you have only one portal or need to manage 100 of them, let Artera take care of the domain: delegate every aspect of registration to us, as regards the technical, legal and administrative side. A continuous assistance at no additional cost.
SSL certificates (Secure Sockets Layer)
We guarantee SSL digital certification, which authenticates the identity of a website. As electronic “passports,” they establish the credentials of an online entity during commercial activities, allowing for a secure connection for the transmission of user personal information.
Do you want to be able to open mailboxes where it would not traditionally be expected? Or register a domain and have boxes without the constraint of a site? Do you want to add an email service to your cloud Server? With Artera all that is possible.

You're an agency
Register as a partner

We work together to achieve the greatest
mutual benefit.

Do you want to
use our plan?

We will match you with one of our partners based on your project needs.