Cookie Policy

DHH Switzerland SA is committed to protecting your personal information, this document lists the information we may collect and how we may use it.

What are cookies and how do we use them?

A cookie is a text file that is stored on the computer or mobile device by a website server and that only that server will be able to retrieve or read its content. It contains some anonymous information and allows the website to remember, for example, your preferences or what’s in your

Why do we use cookies?

DHH Switzerland SA uses cookies because in some parts of our site they are essential and without them, you would not be able to access our services. Cookies also help us to provide you with a better and richer experience, for example, by suggesting products of your interest.

How to manage cookies

The “Help” section of your browser should be able to help you manage cookie settings. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can modify your browser to be notified of when they are sent. You can also delete cookies that you have already saved at any time, through your browser settings. You can choose whether or not to accept the cookies that are set by our site, on the cookie settings page. DHH Switzerland SA is not responsible for the content of third party websites that may or may not set cookies.

Our types of cookies


“Essential” cookies are the cookies strictly necessary to allow specific requested functions. Some features of our sites, such as facilitated login to our services, do not work without the use of cookies.


“Functional” cookies provide services or to remember settings to improve your visit and experience on our site.


“Statistical” cookies collect information on how you use our website and services, for example, which pages you visit, and any errors that you may encounter. These cookies are completely anonymous and are used only to help us improve how our site works and understand the interests of visitors.


“Monitoring” cookies are linked to services provided by third parties, such as “like” and “share” and monitor the effectiveness of advertising.

Marketing/retargeting cookies.

These allow you to provide an advertising information service of greater interest to the user, showing you products similar to those you have previously looked at, through the acquisition of information derived from the user’s navigation and the use of some services offered. The use of these cookies does not imply the processing of personal data but can allow the recognition of your computer or other devices.


“Behavioural” cookies are cookies used to collect data on your browsing habits and your preferences, by profiling and/or customising for advertising purposes. These treatments are carefully evaluated by the legislator, who has imposed very restrictive rules. The EU has decided to require internet operators to request the user’s prior consent, before being able to use cookies to make behavioural advertising or in any case for purposes other than those strictly necessary to provide the service requested by the

How to disable cookies?

Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can also choose not to accept them. We advise you to not disable this function because this may prevent you from moving freely from page to page and enjoying all the features of the site. If you do not want your computer to receive and store cookies, you can modify the security settings of your browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.).