Cloud Hosting WordPress
Swiss Premium

WordPress is one of the most used web management platforms in the world thanks to its flexibility and customization. Artera guarantees you maximum compatibility and verification by specialized technicians.

All our shared hosting plans and all our dedicated clouds are compatible and configurable with WordPress, ensuring maximum compatibility with all popular plugins and templates and the highest performance.
Each new WordPress project that is transferred to our servers is verified by our technicians before going live.

We ensure the proper functioning of the site and improve performance through caching.


Lifetime support for you

For the entire duration of your site you will be able to rely on our technicians for any type of system or verification request: we will support your developers so that they can manage any problem as quickly as possible.

Total compatibility and highest performances

If you choose WordPress on your premium hosting, you will receive the application of a set of special configurations making the hosting service fully adherent to the WordPress CMS, while increasing site performance and reducing loading times.

White Gloves Migration

When we take charge of a wordpress site on our servers, we always make a series of checks. We analyse the status of your site developed in WordPress to identify any errors made during its development and any vulnerabilities. We also verify the presence of all possible optimizations to improve SEO performance.

Free Full Assessment

The constant updating of the site, especially in the case of WordPress, is very important because it is the most targeted CMS. Artera intervenes when the flaws are not yet corrected by the updates, immediately applying a rule to the WAF that blocks the threat.

WAF guaranteed Security

It is our responsibility to migrate from your old provider to our services, without causing any service interruption. We will interface with your old provider and plan all the necessary steps in detail.

Free troubleshooting support

We have WordPress programmers who know the application very well. In case of problems, not necessarily related to hosting or systems, they will be at your disposal to help you solve any problem (including application).

Think about realizing your project and leave security, privacy and performance to us.


Are you a web agency
or a freelancerdeveloper?

From the creation of sites for our customers to white label supply services: Artera's partnership is unique and meets everyone's needs.


White label


Contact us without obligation

We pay the utmost attention to our customers, so do not hesitate to contact us for questions, doubts or clarifications.