Cloud Security and File Storage: Importance and Data Protection Strategies

Is an on-premise infrastructure, developed locally with specific software and hardware purchased by the user, more secure, or a Cloud Storage solution managed by a specialised provider? The question is more complex than it might appear at first sight: to answer this question, let us start by analysing the first configuration, where all activities related to monitoring, updating, prevention against attacks, backup and eventual restoration of files and data are the responsibility of the user. These are complex procedures that require time, technical expertise, investment, trained employees and, often, timely intervention by external consultants.

In the context of Cloud Storage services, the user is not personally responsible for managing the infrastructure, including security. Apart from the obvious respect for common sense and prudence, which should always be carefully observed, users may delegate to their chosen provider the responsibilities related to updating antivirus, antispam, hardware maintenance, periodic backups, Disaster Recovery and mitigation of the most widespread cyber threats.

That is why opting for a reliable Cloud File Storage service also means having an effective Data Protection Strategy.

Cloud Storage and Data Protection Strategies.

Security, reliability and privacy are the three pillars of data protection in the Cloud.

If we consider a provider that places these characteristics at the heart of the efficiency of its service, we can refer to Artera, a Swiss company active since 2002 in the field of premium level hosting, which guarantees maximum protection of sensitive data and full compliance with data storage and processing regulations.

These principles of security, reliability and privacy are translated into data protection strategies that incorporate proactive behaviour, countermeasures and constant monitoring of the infrastructure. But how to develop such an approach? It is essential to carefully consider all the risks to which data are exposed during their life cycle. Let us analyse these aspects in detail.

Protecting Data in the Cloud: Best Practices and Countermeasures

Data Protection involves the adoption of several strategies, each aimed at preserving a specific aspect of file and data security within a Cloud Storage infrastructure.


Providers use monitoring platforms to detect dangerous, unusual or suspicious activities that could compromise data integrity. This process takes place through automated tools, such as control scheduling, and manually through specialised operators. In this context, Artera stands out for its proactive approach to monitoring, with a Control Room operating 24/7. This makes it possible to detect and prevent any anomalies in the infrastructure, thus guaranteeing uninterrupted service continuity. In addition, Artera implements an automatic web traffic upgrade system to manage peak times, thus preventing many websites from going offline due to excessive loads.

Data access and stack security.

It is essential to establish who can view, analyse and process the data, and even perform CRUD operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete), in order to guarantee security. For this reason, systems such as multi-factor authentication are adopted in Cloud Storage services, and access roles are defined with a granular approach, assigning each user only the specific privileges needed (IAM, Identity and Access Management) and dedicated resources.

Artera’s stack is based on redundant hardware, with duplicate routers, and implements a multi-tenancy configuration based on Cloud Linux, an OS optimised for Web hosting environments. In this environment, each user operates in isolation from other clients, benefiting from complete integration of the Web server with a control panel for simple, intuitive and largely automated management of resources and content. This provides customisable functionality that allows users to focus on productivity and operate safely, even without in-depth technical expertise. To further increase users’ peace of mind, Artera offers live patching of the Linux kernel, which updates the system to the latest, stable and secure version without service interruptions.

For all assistance needs, a ticket system is available via telephone and e-mail, which can also be managed from the control panel.

Security and data traffic.

At Artera, the protection of web applications is prioritised by a WAF that monitors all HTTP traffic. This helps prevent attacks based on techniques such as SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), which pose a significant threat to data security. Artera also supports AutoSSL, a free alternative to paid SSL certificates, which automatically protects sites with updated and renewed certificates without requiring user intervention.

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are among the most common and dangerous. They are based on sending large volumes of artificially generated traffic to overload servers and make web-based services inaccessible. To counter this threat, the Artera Cloud implements a robust anti-DDoS “washing machine” that neutralises requests made by malicious users, filtering them and allowing only those from legitimate users. In addition, a dedicated malware scanner also detects potentially malicious files using highly effective de-offusking techniques, detecting backdoors, viruses and hacking attempts.

Data backup and regulatory compliance.

Backup is the main tool for protecting information, making it possible to create backup copies that can be used to restore data in the event of attacks, accidents and natural disasters. Many providers simply clone the contents of the server, creating static copies of data. Artera, in contrast, takes an advanced approach by offering daily backups and a Server Backup Manager that constantly monitors changes to files. When a change is made, the system saves only the affected bits of data, minimising resource usage and allowing a greater focus on productivity.

This functionality, together with those described above, ensures that Artera’s infrastructure is GDPR compliant. Data security is not only a technical issue, but also a regulatory one. Artera’s data centres are powered by renewable energy sources and are located exclusively in Switzerland, giving customers the peace of mind of knowing exactly where their information is stored. Artera has also obtained numerous certifications on the quality of its services, issued by CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe) and specialised security and privacy bodies.


Defining an effective Data Protection strategy implies careful attention to monitoring aspects, security of the technology stack, access management, threat prevention, backup policies and compliance with data storage and processing regulations. Artera is a Swiss-based provider that offers a Cloud File Storage infrastructure strongly oriented towards Open Source solutions. Thanks to this approach, Artera guarantees not only data protection, but also full compliance with privacy and security regulations.
